
“Why We Give Monthly”

Take it from these longtime monthly donors: Helping homeless families with children is a happy habit to get into!


Jo and Jerry Traywick, Ormond Beach: donors since 1989, monthly donors since 2013

Why do we give monthly to Family Renew Community?

“We have been supporters of Family Renew Community since its founding.  Personally, we have known individuals that have gone through the program and it has changed their lives. The principle of giving a ‘hand up’ appeals to us and we feel it is the best way to effect lasting change. It encourages independence and that is a big step.”


Vicky Jackson, South Daytona: monthly donor since 2012, with husband, Jon

Why Family Renew Community?

“I like what the program does. It gives families a chance to learn skills they need to budget and handle their money. … It’s a positive program.”

Why monthly?

“I pay most of my bills monthly. It’s just the way I have it set up.”


Pauline Hughes, South Daytona: monthly donor since 2012

Why Family Renew Community?

“I like what you’re doing with your money — that you are keeping families together. With so many families struggling, that’s so important to keeping our society strong.”

Why monthly?

“I know to do this you need constant support.”


Carol Rice, Ormond Beach: monthly donor since 2014, with husband, Bill

Why Family Renew Community?

“I know the work that you guys do. I know there are so many homeless families in the area. I was at Prince of Peace when (Family Renew Community Founder) Father Larry Redmond first decided it was important to do something like this. He noticed a lot of homeless kids, kids who weren’t going to school, and knew that something had to be done.”

Why monthly?

“For me, it’s easier to do a donation every month than to make a larger donation once a year.”