
Mark calendars for Ice Cream Socials!

We know your weekend calendars fill up fast, so we wanted to let you know the dates for Family Renew Community’s Ice Cream Social events in plenty of time for you to plan to attend.

The West Volusia event will be May 21 at St. Peter Catholic Church in DeLand. The event on the east side of Volusia County — an annual tradition since 1989 — will be Sept. 24 at St. James Episcopal Church in Ormond Beach. Both are Sunday afternoons, and will feature all the cake and ice cream you care to eat for a family-friendly admission price. Stayed tuned for details.

Our Ice Cream Socials are famous for fun, fellowship and the warm fuzzy feeling you get from supporting Family Renew community’s efforts to house families with children and help them lift themselves out of homelessness.

For information about sponsorship opportunities, please call Executive Director Claris Mac’Kie at 386-239-0861.