Dee and Tommy

After a breakup with “Tommy,” the father of her 6-year-old and 11-month-old girls, “Dee” was at first relieved to be able to move in with a relative. Then she realized illegal things were going on in the home. She had to get her children away, though there was nowhere to go.

Dee borrowed her sister’s car so they would at least have a vehicle to protect them from the elements as they slept. Though she was certified as a nursing assistant, she could not hold a job because there was no one to watch the kids.

Dee’s entry into Family Renew Community in January 2018 came with child care. She got a job the first day, started saving money, paying off debt and thinking about the future. To boost her confidence and help her decide in which direction to take her career, her case manager suggested she enroll in the Fresh Start program at Daytona State College’s Center for Women and Men. Dee chose to pursue a phlebotomy certification to increase her earning potential, a program she was able to complete in few weeks.

With her life back on track, Dee wanted to put her family back together. Tommy wanted that, too. The trouble was that he, also, was homeless. He applied to join his family in Family Renew Community’s program, and was accepted into the household.

Working together, they were able to quickly reach the goal of saving enough to move their reunited family into a three-bedroom apartment. Moving day was May 1.

Please help us write more happy endings like this for families experiencing homelessness with a year-end donation to Family Renew Community.