
Lovely numbers to share

The climb out of family homelessness is steep under any circumstances. Our hats are off to the families who moved from homelessness to permanent in 2020, amid the additional challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Twenty-six families overcame homelessness last year with help from Family Renew Community.

Here are some more impressive numbers about the families who ended their stay at our three residential campuses in 2020:

* 18 of these families significantly increased household income during their stay with us;

* a parent in 20 of these families got more education or formal vocational training during their stay with us, boosting their lifelong earning potential

* 20 of these families substantially increased their savings in a bank account during their stay

* 22 of these families paid down debt or maintained no debt during their stay.

Every six months, Family Renew Community’s checks on the housing status of every family who has moved on from our transitional housing since Jan. 1, 2017. When we checked in January, 96 percent of these 144 families had avoided a return to homelessness in the subsequent months and years.