
Our newest superhero

Providing homeless families with a safe, stable place to live is important to what Family Renew Community does. But it’s not what the agency’s all about. Family Renew is about offering every mother, father and child who stays in its housing programs the opportunity to change their lives.

This involves spending time with the families — guiding them to explore their needs, talents, stumbling blocks and desires, helping them plan their path out of homelessness and connecting them with resources to make it happen. This intensive, compassionate case management is the superpower that characterizes the program managers at our three residential campuses for families experiencing homelessness.

Our newest program manager, Linda Carson Adkinson, is not new to Family Renew Community. She was promoted in June to run the DeLand campus after nearly three years as the program assistant at the Holly Hill campus. In her new position, she also serves as the agency’s homelessness prevention specialist and after-case case manager for families who have overcome homelessness with our help.

“I am so grateful and blessed to part of such a wonderful team, as my heart has always been geared towards helping and serving others,” Linda says.

Before coming to Family Renew, Linda amassed 25 years’ experience in health and human services in Volusia County. She worked in human resources and education for Advent Health and as a clinical guidance specialist for Humana. Linda is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in human services/psychology from Ohio Christian University and has associate degrees in legal and medical office administration from Daytona State College. Married with two daughters and four grandchildren, Linda is an ordained pastor and evangelist. She and her husband founded Women Ready for Change Outreach Ministries and New Covenant Ministries.