
Wish List

Wish List

1.  Questions about program analysis from Board Bites Jan. thru  May?

We have covered a lot of territory over the last five months, but as thorough as Tony and I tried to be with all that information, I’m sure you have questions.  Please feel free to ask either in our next Board meeting or to put them in writing to me.  Then I will format them for the rest of the Board members and attempt to get answers.

  1. Meeting with Denise about content for Board member access on 

    web site (Friday, June 18) – will include Board Bites from Jan thru May.

My plan is to establish the information we’ve covered in the last five months in our Board Bites section of the web site.  It will be available for each of you to review, and it will give you a “hard copy” to include in your information to your congregations or to your respective companies or agencies.

  1. Separate on-site visits of 3 facilities during June, July and  August? 

Tony: how can we organize this?  Do we want to have everyone on the honor system that at some point each of us on the Board will visit at least one of our residential sites?  Or do we want to have small groups of Board members go to one facility?  DISCUSSION

  1. Assessment of Volunteer policies and guidelines on Board Bites will begin at the August 19 Board meeting.

    This is the perfect time for us to evaluate and possibly restructure our volunteer policies and guideline.  Because of COVID, we have not had a formal volunteer program.  Previously, our Leadership Committee was ready to tackle this problem because there were many “holes” in our policies and procedures.  The dormancy of volunteerism at FRC now gives us an opportunity for a fresh look and potential restructuring.  BUT I NEED VOLUNTEERS FROM THE BOARD TO ASSIST MY COMMITTEE OF TWO FOR THIS PROJECT!

Barbara Steinberg: 386-212-9826 Cell/Text


  1. My Wish List!

    After reviewing our program components, I have concern about the lack of focus in two very important family issues.  So I’m putting this out there for all of us to creatively consider these wishes.  You may have some of your own!  Please add them!  

A. Families who experience homelessness and poverty usually do not have an opportunity to learn about or budget for good nutrition.  Diets often contain a large amount of complex carbohydrates & sugars, smaller amounts of protein and few fruits and vegetables.  Often processed foods are cheaper and more convenient so are prominent in these diets.

It would be wonderful and of benefit to our families (and to our bottom line successes) for some nutritional education to be built into our program.  Even better, wouldn’t it be grand if we could foster a vegetable garden in each of our facilities where families, especially our children clients, could learn about farm to table processes!

B. In my 40 years experience as a therapist and 25 years working with families who were literally stuck in the separation, divorce and family restructuring process, three areas of concern would immeasurably help our families grow and adjust to an improved life for all members:

  • style of intra-family communication

  • parent education (including child development)

  • anger management

I have a curriculum in mind for addressing these issues, but I welcome any ideas and/or contributions to this overall concept.  I believe that we could find a grant to support this curriculum and add a valuable asset to our life skills program, helping families to be more successful at “doing life” in health, peace and harmony.