
United Way’s ALICE Report

United Way coined the acronym ALICE which stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. The ALICE Report places a spotlight on a large population of hardworking residents who work yet have little or no savings, and are one emergency from falling into poverty, and possibly homelessness.

As part of the ALICE project, researchers determined a Household Survival Budget for a family of four in Volusia County, including two adults, an infant and a preschooler. Bare-minimum spending on housing, child care, food, transportation, taxes and miscellaneous expenses for this family totals $52,152, which is far below the median area’s median income.

As a funded Community Impact partner working to address the United Way of Volusia-Flagler Counties’ priority area of Financial Stability, Family Renew Community is pleased to share a link to the ALICE Report.