
What an Improvement!

The locals and visitors who participate in Jeep Beach each year in the Daytona Beach area are not only having a great time at what is recognized as the World’s Largest Jeep Exclusive Event, they are also supporting local charities – including Family Renew Community. A $5,000 grant received from Jeep Beach last year allowed us to renovate one of our 32 apartments in which working families stay while lifting themselves out of homelessness. With this funding, we replaced the worn out cabinetry and appliances, refurbished the flooring and much more. Then, the folks from Ormond Beach’s Temple Beth-El, one of 21 houses of worship that are part of Family Renew, threw a housewarming shower to prepare for a family that arrived in June. Click here for a QUICK VIDEO TOUR of the apartment, which is at our Holly Hill Residential Campus for families experiencing homelessness.