Why is this first-grader so happy?

When you are homeless with your family at age 7, there are some good things about being big for your age. You can be a superhero to your 2-year-old and 1-year-old brothers, and a super helper to your single mom.

This youngster fits those roles well, says Laurie Archer-Dugo, program manager for Family Renew Community’s Daytona Beach Residential Campus, where he and his family have been staying since June, while Mom works to lift the family out of homelessness. As the time approached to start first-grade, his size — specifically the width of his feet — posed a challenge. His mom could not find affordable shoes suitable for him to wear to school.

Fortunately, being at Family Renew Community connects families to a network of resources designed to help them address such challenges. Executive Director Tony Deobil and his wife, JC, found a source for a brand new pair of Nikes that fit the boy perfectly.

“He was excited because he got a pair of shoes that nobody’s worn before,” observes Tony.

Program manager Laurie adds, “He’s just so darn happy!”