
Working their way up

Family Renew Community’s programs to help families with children lift themselves out of homelessness emphasize the importance of parents being in the workforce and increasing their earning potential.

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A number of clients recently obtained better-paying jobs at the Amazon Fulfillment Center that opened last year in Deltona. And several parents have taken the opportunity of going back to school at Daytona State College to develop more marketable work skills. These individuals have been able to be able to return to work and continuing to go to school. One mother is currently enrolled in nursing classes at DSC.

I’m pleased to announce I have been invited to serve on a new Adult Learning Advisory Board at Daytona State College in addition to serving on the school’s advisory board for the Center of Women and Men.  Family Renew Community is one of the main referral sources for both of these programs. Therefore, they wanted us to be able to influence and help design the programs which helps people go back to school to make them more successful.