In early December, a mom, dad and their six children had only their Nissan Maxima to call home. A tree felled by Hurricane Irma had destroyed their rental house — and their other car — about three months earlier. When their 90 days of motel-living assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency ran out, they had no place else to go.
Today, they are safe and warm in a one-bedroom cottage at Family Renew Community’s Holly Hill Residential Campus. The parents, both of whom work, are saving money for the rent and deposits for a new place. The children, ages 1 through 12, are enjoying the experience of living in a “tiny house,” just like the people on TV.
This stop-over on their journey out of homelessness is made possible by Family Renew Community supporters like you. And whether stories like theirs have happy endings in 2018 depends on your continued generosity. We’re just about $2,400 shy of our Year-end Campaign goal of $25,000 by Dec. 31 to help homeless families with children. If you have already made a donation, thank you. If not, will you please consider a gift of $50, $100 or whatever you can afford?
Thanks to Family Renew Community supporters, more than 110 Volusia County children this year had a safe, stable place to live and thrive while the parents in these 60 families worked to overcome homelessness. Family Renew Community has served more than 1,400 families since 1989, with an estimated 7 out of 10 leaving for stable housing of their own. For 2017, the success rate has been 77 percent.
That means Daryl’s and Fran’s baby girl, born last December into homelessness, celebrated her first birthday in the family’s new apartment in Daytona Beach. And after a life of struggling on very low wages and squeezing in with relatives, Jessica has a well-paying job and supports her teen and toddler in a three-bedroom house in Deltona. Meanwhile, Ashley — clean for more than a year in recovery from an addiction that tore her family apart and left her homeless — is a mother again to her 5- and 7-year-olds, in their own place. You can read their stories by clicking here.
Your help is the key to ending family homelessness. Please click here to make your year-end gift. Thank you for all you do to help homeless families with children.